Weight Loss Food Plan

Weight Loss Food Plan

Per test & plan

Our tailored food plan is unique to you and created to fit your lifestyle. 

This plan includes:

  •  an at-home test kit to see what foods are adversely affecting your immune system 
  • a deep-dive questionnaire to help us get to know you  
  • a one hour telehealth visit with Dr. Lynda Flowers, DNP, FNP-C
  • your food plan 
  • optional nutritional supplement recommendations 
  • a next steps plan.

Our program also provides you with an educational diet that focuses on what your body needs to reach optimal health, providing guidance to help with sustainable weight loss. Our program is tailored to your individual needs based on our expertise and proven research to make the weight-loss journey as simple and successful as possible.

We invite you to explore the MomMe Rx weight loss food plan in Wickenburg, Arizona, to take steps towards a healthier you. Reach out to our qualified practitioners today and get the tailored and individualized dietary plan you need and deserve.

Let's Start Your Wellness Journey!

We're excited to connect with you and support you on your path to wellness. Whether you have questions about our health coaching services, weight loss plans, or would like to learn more about MomMe Rx, we're here to help. Fill out the form below, and our team will reach out to you promptly.